Sustainable Stoughton Seed Library at Stoughton Public Library

Thank you for your interest in Sustainable Stoughton's Seed Distribution Display at the Stoughton Public Library! Though this display is referred to as a Seed Library, it is not a seed library in a technical sense. You don't need to "check seeds out" with your library card, and you're not expected to harvest and return seeds at the end of the growing season. Simply take seed packets and enjoy them.

If you have any questions about the seeds or the display, please contact Sustainable Stoughton directly by emailing info [at] (info[at]sustainablestoughton[dot]org)

The library is only the distribution point for these seeds; we do not have any additional information. Sustainable Stoughton will periodically refill the seed display, so if it is empty when you visit, please check back at a later date. Library staff are unable to predict when the display may be refilled.

Below are some links provided by Sustainable Stoughton.

Guide on Seed Starting

Native Plants:
