Thank you for considering the library as a place to host your own independent event or program!
Booking a Room
Please read through our policies to ensure the library is a good fit for your program:
Learn more about our meeting spaces, including photos and information on how to book the spaces, here.
Publicizing Your Program
Please make it clear in your publicity that you are hosting your own independent program at the library. Do not imply that the library is co-hosting or affiliated with your program or organization.
On all your publicity materials, include clear contact information for yourself such as a phone number, email address, and/or website. If you don’t include contact information, people often assume it’s a library program and contact us instead. Staff may be unaware of your program and will not be able to provide details or information.
- Places to Promote Your Program
- Please note: depending on the nature of your program, some of these suggested places may charge a fee for promotion. If you are presenting this program as part of a non-profit group, mention this when you submit publicity.
- The Stoughton Courier Hub is the local newspaper. Their general email address is stoughtonhub [at] if you want to send info about your event, your book release, etc. They have a community calendar as well.
- If your program is for children or teens, PeachJar might be a good option to promote it to students in the Stoughton Area School District.
- We recommend creating a Facebook event. (Feel free to list Stoughton Public Library as the location, but do not add us as a co-host, please.)
- Please give us a flier for our community bulletin board. This bulletin board is maintained by volunteers on a periodic basis, so we recommend submitting your flier at least 3-4 weeks in advance of your program so it will be posted in plenty of time. You can either email the flier to abosky [at] (PDF preferred) or drop off a printed copy at the front Circulation desk and let staff know it’s for the community bulletin board. Our Administrative Assistant will evaluate it to determine if it fits the parameters of what may be posted. See our Bulletin Board Policy for more details.
- Please note: depending on the nature of your program, some of these suggested places may charge a fee for promotion. If you are presenting this program as part of a non-profit group, mention this when you submit publicity.
The Day of Your Program
When you arrive, please let staff know you are here so we can unlock the room for you as needed.
On the day of your program, be aware that you are not permitted to post signage in the lobby advertising your program. You are also not permitted to approach patrons and invite them to your program. We recommend letting the staff member at the front Circulation Desk know about your program, so they can direct people to the appropriate room if they ask questions.
Please note the library’s No Soliciting policy (details in the policy links at the top of this page). You are not permitted to charge admission or request money from attendees of your program. You are not permitted to require people to sign in or give you their contact information. However, you are permitted to hand out fliers or business cards, or to have an optional sign-in sheet where people may voluntarily give you their contact information.
Selling items is prohibited; however, we do make an exception for authors selling books. If you are an author, feel free to sell copies of your book(s) during your program. Please note: the library is unable to assist with these sales in any way (such as making change for cash payments, or helping troubleshoot a mobile card reader).
Please clean up after your program if needed. We are happy to provide disinfecting wipes and a Dustbuster or vacuum.
If you have any further questions, please email storef [at] (storef[at]stolib[dot]org) or call 608-873-6281.